Application for Registration as a Chartered Wealth Engineering Advisor - ChWEA

Instructions: Please fill out the entire form then click Submit. Most fields are required.

By digitally signing this:

• I hereby apply for registration with the Institute as a ChWEA and submit myself to the jurisdiction of the Institute and hereby verify that I agree to abide by, comply with, and adhere to all the provissions, conditions, and covenants and regulations of the Institute as they are and may be adopted, changed or amended from time to time, and I agree to comply with, be subject to and abide by all such requirements and all ruling, orders, directives and decission of, and penalties, prohibitions and limitations imposed, subject to right of appeal as provided by law.
• I understand and agree that my registration with the Institute will not become effective until submission of all required documentation and upon written acceptance by the Institute.
• I certify that I have read and truthfully answered the questions contained with this application to the best of my knowledge.
• I understand that the Institute reserves the right to decline my registration with a full refund of my tuition.

Click Submit to finish the application and go to out payment page.
Privacy Statement: The Financial Engineering Institute respects the right to privacy of its applicants and is committed to safeguarding the personal information of each applicant.